Monday, December 22, 2008

The Giving; Final Countdown til Christmas.....

So now all the hustle & bustle (or is it hussle & bussle?!) is either winding down, or for some of the guys... just getting started! After working many years in retail jewelry, most men saw the shopping season as December 24th from 10am-5pm!

Believe me when I say I made many women happy with my choice of what their man should give them for Christmas. Fun, yet sadly, men would come in to see me on the 23rd or 24th, drop off their cash or credit, give me a limit to spend & take off to buy other items! So, I would buy what I would want... or if I knew the woman, what she liked, wrap it & ring it... & he never knew waht exactly he gave her! But I'm sure all that has changed now! (yeah right!)

There is a little time left to get what you need so I thought I would throw my 2 cents out to help you out on the shopping stuff & ideas. Here we go.....

* Jewelry- men, most of the time you cannot go wrong with jewelry! And to add to it, take it to Things Remembered & get it engraved!
* Things Remembered- A great store found in most malls. You can just about always go in there & find something beautiful for anyone of any age & get it engraved! From nice pens, jewelery, boxes, frames, etc.
* Steinmart- Ok, so I am partial to Steinmart (& JC Penney), but yesterday I went in there, coupon in hand & found the nicest gifts that I needed to complete the people on my list. They have nice toiletry satchels for men & women, a lot of monogrammed items, housewares, beautiful wallets & business card holders, etc,etc.
* Great, great prices on toys on shipping, which is usually free.
* craigslist- on a budget? Look on craigslist for that hard to find item (like a Radio Flyer Talking Spring horse- cha-ching!)
* WOW..... this site has helped me a lot for what to get the husband that has it all! And it's great for all holidays and events.
* LL A lot of nice items that are below $40! And some of those can be monogrammed!
* You can always be the winner with beautiful pictures!
* Ribbon gift cards- Super cool, super fun! Great for any occasion & any person! Even great for co-workers!

* Music- Wow, I love SO MANY artists, so I'll just through out a few great artists that you should check out OR give as a gift. Check out their sites & YouTube them so you can listen to them as well!:

- Susan Tedeschi: Awesome bluesy, rock-n-roll'ish. Mostly blues. She is awesome & her new album Back To The River is great.( from an older album)

- Faith Hill, Joy To The World: a beautiful approach to traditional Christmas songs.

- Ana Popovich: jazz, blues, rock & roll! Love her! Go to & listen to How'd You Learn To Shake it! You will want to do just that!

-Rihanna: Reloaded. Fun & moving. You'll become your own bedroom/bathroom, dancing diva!

- Britney Spears: Circus. Im not ahuge fan of her, but the songs on here are moving & danceable!

- The Lost Trailers: Fun. country group.

- The Zac Brown band: Chicken Fried..... cold beer on a Friday night, jeans that fit just right!

- The Puppini Sisters: A new twist to the old school bee-bop music! You have to listen to them do Spooky, Walk Like An Egyptian & Crazy In Love!

I hope this helps... Post some of your ideas & findings & music likes! Let me know what you think...

Ho,ho, ho ya'll!....

Kristi Claus

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