Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Help from you....

(Jackie Schneider, Shayne, Paul Schneider, Cayden)

This year is the first time in years, we have not done Christmas cards. Most of you know that we send out cards with a newsletter & picture. But since we couldn't coordinate our schedule to get pictures done, we let the cards slide. (However, I may send out a few today).

In lieu of the newsletter & picture, we decided to do a few YouTube holiday greetings from our house to yours! So be looking for that in the next day or so, hopefully today!

So...... I thought it would be fun to ask you all to do 2 things for me to break the monotony of typical holiday stuff. (1) share/post on here your favorite holiday tradition & new years resolution (I'll hold you accountable) AND

(2) the fun thing........ in the next couple of months, mail us a picture of you, your family... whatever that represents you! We're going to start a Schneida's Wall of Fame & Friends in our house! We have a huge family wall, but we want to bring you all in here as well! So here's the scoop: send us a 4x6 or 5x7 picture. Frame it if you can (can get frames at Dollar Tree) & we're starting a wall! You can label it, write on it, whatever you want, just keep it clean! Occaisionally I'll blog about it, and maybe post a picture/video with an update! Whenever you want, you can send in a new picture to add to it! C'MON.... it'll be fun!!!

Our traditions? Well, we don't have any in concrete, but the past 2 years on Cmas Eve night, I've taken Cayden outside under the sky (& last year with Shayne) & told them the story about Jesus' birthday & the trip to Bethlehem. My pastors wife bakes a birthday cake for Jesus, so I might copy that! (thanks Jenn!) Saturday Cayden helped me taste test, I mean ice the cookies! Then that night he & Shayne painted some ornaments for me. Well, Shayne thought that the paint brush looked a lot like a spoon with blue icing so he attempted to taste it numerous times!

For New Years resolutions.... well, as always... I plan on being healthier & better organized! The difference is, this year I hope to stick to it! (can't you relate?!) Oh... I know the big one for me:

This year my family has endured the loss of several friends & relatives, all at a young age! I find myself always telling people when they ask me "... what have you been up to lately?...", my reply consists of "I'm SO BUSY with work & the kids..." Now, while all those are important, the friendships that I have & have lost touch with are also important to who I am. So in 2009 I plan on committing myself to getting up with girlfriends that I haven't seen or spoken to in a while & having a monthly outing of some sort! It may not sound like a lot, but it's a start.


So hopefully my resolution will prompt you to do the same. I mean, we all get on here & read blogs, email, FaceBook, MySpace, text people all the time.... but that's not a person-to-person relationship! So I challenge you & myself to make dates in person, with your friends! Send a HAND-WRITTEN card or letter! Don't let distance & "too busy'ness" come between you! The one thing in life that is certain is that we all die..... so don't be left behind regretting you didn't make the time for one another!

The Giving; Final Countdown til Christmas.....

So now all the hustle & bustle (or is it hussle & bussle?!) is either winding down, or for some of the guys... just getting started! After working many years in retail jewelry, most men saw the shopping season as December 24th from 10am-5pm!

Believe me when I say I made many women happy with my choice of what their man should give them for Christmas. Fun, yet sadly, men would come in to see me on the 23rd or 24th, drop off their cash or credit, give me a limit to spend & take off to buy other items! So, I would buy what I would want... or if I knew the woman, what she liked, wrap it & ring it... & he never knew waht exactly he gave her! But I'm sure all that has changed now! (yeah right!)

There is a little time left to get what you need so I thought I would throw my 2 cents out to help you out on the shopping stuff & ideas. Here we go.....

* Jewelry- men, most of the time you cannot go wrong with jewelry! And to add to it, take it to Things Remembered & get it engraved!
* Things Remembered- A great store found in most malls. You can just about always go in there & find something beautiful for anyone of any age & get it engraved! From nice pens, jewelery, boxes, frames, etc.
* Steinmart- Ok, so I am partial to Steinmart (& JC Penney), but yesterday I went in there, coupon in hand & found the nicest gifts that I needed to complete the people on my list. They have nice toiletry satchels for men & women, a lot of monogrammed items, housewares, beautiful wallets & business card holders, etc,etc.
* Great, great prices on toys on shipping, which is usually free.
* craigslist- on a budget? Look on craigslist for that hard to find item (like a Radio Flyer Talking Spring horse- cha-ching!)
* WOW..... this site has helped me a lot for what to get the husband that has it all! And it's great for all holidays and events.
* LL A lot of nice items that are below $40! And some of those can be monogrammed!
* You can always be the winner with beautiful pictures!
* Ribbon gift cards- Super cool, super fun! Great for any occasion & any person! Even great for co-workers!

* Music- Wow, I love SO MANY artists, so I'll just through out a few great artists that you should check out OR give as a gift. Check out their sites & YouTube them so you can listen to them as well!:

- Susan Tedeschi: Awesome bluesy, rock-n-roll'ish. Mostly blues. She is awesome & her new album Back To The River is great.( from an older album)

- Faith Hill, Joy To The World: a beautiful approach to traditional Christmas songs.

- Ana Popovich: jazz, blues, rock & roll! Love her! Go to & listen to How'd You Learn To Shake it! You will want to do just that!

-Rihanna: Reloaded. Fun & moving. You'll become your own bedroom/bathroom, dancing diva!

- Britney Spears: Circus. Im not ahuge fan of her, but the songs on here are moving & danceable!

- The Lost Trailers: Fun. country group.

- The Zac Brown band: Chicken Fried..... cold beer on a Friday night, jeans that fit just right!

- The Puppini Sisters: A new twist to the old school bee-bop music! You have to listen to them do Spooky, Walk Like An Egyptian & Crazy In Love!

I hope this helps... Post some of your ideas & findings & music likes! Let me know what you think...

Ho,ho, ho ya'll!....

Kristi Claus

How the Angel made it to the Top of the Tree!

A Christmas Story for people having a bad day:

When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the Pre-Christmas pressure.

Then Mrs Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more.

When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where.

Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered.

Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drank all the cider and hidden the liquor. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom.

Just then the doorbell rang, and irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree.

The angel said very cheerfully, 'Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?'

And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Gratitude to Our Country & Bush... Dems & Repubs to read

David Letterman wrote this; it's the David we don't often see...

' As most of you know I am not a President Bush fan, nor have I ever been, but this is not about Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and it seems to hit the mark.'

The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some Poll data I foundrather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right? The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent ofthe country is unhappy with the performance of the President. In essence 2/3 of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change.

So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'What are we so unhappy about?''
A.. Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week?
B.. Is our unhappiness the result ofhaving air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter?
C.. Could it be that 95.4 percent ofthese unhappy folks have a job?
D.. Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the lastyear?
E.. Maybe it is the ability to drive ourcars and trucks from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to present identification papers as we move through each state?
F.. Or possibly the hundreds of cleanand safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?
G.. I guess having thousands ofrestaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough either.
H. Or could it be that when we wreckour car, emergency workers show up and provideservices to help all and even send a helicopterto take you to the hospital.
I.. Perhaps you are one of the 70percent of Americans who own a home.
J.. You may be upset with knowing thatin the unfortunate case of a fire, a group oftrained firefighters will appear in moments anduse top notch equipment to extinguish the flames,thus saving you, your family, and your belongings.
K.. Or if, while at home watching oneof your many flat screen TVs, a burglar orprowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gunand a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.
L.. This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where90% of teenagers own cell phones and computers.
M.. How about the complete religious,social and political freedoms we enjoy that arethe envy of everyone in the world?

Maybe that is what has 67% of you folks unhappy.

Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has everseen. No wonder the world loves the U.S. , yethas a great disdain for its citizens. They seeus for what we are. The most blessed people inthe world who do nothing but complain about whatwe don't have, and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.

I know, I know. What about thepresident who took us into war and has no plan toget us out? The president who has a measly 31percent approval rating? Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark daysafter 9/11? The president that cut taxes tobring an economy out of recession? Could thisbe the same guy who has been called every name inthe book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terroristattacks? The commander in chief of anall-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me?

Did you hear how bad the President ison the news or talk show? Did t his news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for yourself and see all the good things and be glad? Think aboutit......are you upset at the President because heactually caused you personal pain OR is itbecause the 'Media' told you he was failing tokiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day.Make no mistake about it.

The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may havedied for your freedom. There is currently nodraft in this country. They didn't have to go..They are able to refuse to go and end up witheither a ''general'' discharge, an 'other thanhonorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a''dishonorable' ' discharge after a few days inthe brig.

So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans?

Say what you want but I blame it on themedia. If it bleeds it leads and theyspecialize in bad news. Everybody will watch acar crash with blood and guts How many willwatch kids selling lemonade at the corner? Themedia knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They offer what sells, and whencriticized, try to defend their actions by'justifying' them in one way o r a nother Just askwhy they tried to allow a murderer like O.J.Simpson to write a book about how he didn't killhis wife, but if he did he would have done itthis way......Insane!

Turn off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the NewYork Times for the bottom of your bird cage.Then start being grateful for all we have ascountry. There is exponentially more good thanbad. We are among the most blessed people onEarth and should thank God several times a day,or at least be thankful and appreciative.' 'With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mudslides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing upthe country from one end to another, and with thethreat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, 'Are wesure this is a good time to take God out of thePledge of Allegiance?'

David Letterman

very interseting.....

Why a Black Man Cannot Vote for Obama.....

Urine or you're out....

(thanks Becky)

My friend Becky sent this & I love it! Tell me what you think of this idea:

I can't take credit for this, but I can sure pass it on. (Whoever wrote this one deserves a HUGE pat on the back!)
Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job.I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes mytaxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass arandom urine test with which I have no problem.
What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to peoplewho don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because Ihave to pass one to earn it for them?
Please understand, I have no problemwith helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have aproblem with helping someone sitting on their A--, doing drugs, while Iwork. . .. . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if peoplehad to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

Newports, Heinikens & Oreos.... breakfast of a thief!

While unloading my car Saturday morning at a holiday vendor show, someone went into my car & stole my wallet & my GPS. Let me set the scene:

I got to the parking lot @ 8:40a.m. I was 6 spots from the door. There were a lot of us constantly going in & out unloading our vehicles. I was doing the same. My purse was in the backseat floorboard underneath all my work stuff, the doors were (probably) unlocked. I was in & out constantly unloading & hadn't finished, therfore I am assuming I had not yet locked it, but I wouldn't have thought twice about needing to considering where I was & what was going on & who all was out there with me.

I returned to my back-passenger door to get a bag of magazines & I noticed they were all over the backseat. I just instantly thought maybe I turned a corner & they fell over. I also noticed things all over the backseat that were in my purse, but I just paked those up as well.

I then open the passenger door & see tampons all over the place (sorry guys, we women do stash them in the car too) & business cards all over the driver seat. As I am leaning over picking them up, I see the suction cup mark on the windshield; the one that is left behind when the GPS has been removed. Then, I knew what had happened & I pieced it all together. My car, purse & bag of books got ramsacked! So now I have had stolen my GPS & my wallet is gone!

Instantly I called the police & my credit card company. And here is where it gets good. Remember, I arrived @ 8:40am. By 9:04am they had made there first purchase about 8 miles away. It was at Wawa & it was for $140! So that meant that whoever went into my car, not only did they have balls, but they did so in about a 8 minute window in order to get where they did.

From 9:04am- 9:40 they hit up 1 Wawa, 1 7-11 & 1 Chevron. Now the Chevron & 7-11 are literally next door to one another! In those stores they also rakced up, total, about $400 worth! They maxed out my checking account then moved to the next card in my wallet. By then I had cancelled the cards.

I get home & start on their trail! I found out a lot of interesting things & I hope to make you a more saavy swiper with your card this holiday season! (and even more of a saavy cashier!). So, out all my money, they blew most of it on cartons Newport cigarettes (about 10 cartons total) & Heinekin beer. They also threw in 4 lighters, 1 calling card & only 1 tank of gas. Oh yeah.... can't forget the bag of Oreo cokies!

In every store, the cashier was supposed to have asked for the card & ID because (a) the purchase was over $25 and because (b) they purchased more than one carton of cigarettes at a time. So that means that everytime, they were forging my signature AND a cashier was not doing their job! And they literally went back & forth to 711 & Chevron 5 times within 13 minutes... and they were always rang up by the same cashier & no one noticed!

My cards all say "see ID" on the back, but really that doesnt matter in the scheme of things either. I called the detective today & he said even with all the video footage, chances are we'll never catch who did it. But I think NOT! And the GPS cannot be tracked because it is a transmitter, not a receiver, so I am on the lookout at all local pawn-shops & windshields!

We have become so accustomed to get in-get out. We flash a card & roll our eyes when we're asked to drag out our ID. So to all you swipers out there like me, for now on, ALWAYS show them your ID anyways! Not only are you protecting yourself, but you are indirectly training that cashier to do their job better. If you are a cashier anywhere, no matter the rules, ALWAYS ask the shopper to see their ID. The shopper will appreciate it TURST ME ON THIS ONE!

For me, the biggest aggrevation was that literally, the night before I had re-arranged the boys pictures in my wallet so that I could see them when I opened my wallet. This incident has left me feeling violated not only in my car, but in my heart & family. I'm hurt & pissed! So please, learn from me the following:

* never leave valuables in your car. Never leave your GPS up-period. Even that suction cup mark they see will draw them to your car.
* never leave your car unlocked even when you think it's safe.
* always know what's in your wallet & leave at home what you don't need..... like your social security card. I had mine in my wallet.
* always show an ID when you use your card
* always ask for ID when accepting checks or credit cards
* and lastly, never mix Newports, Heinekin & Oreos.... makes horrible breath!

I'll keep you posted on how this all turns out........

Oh..... & if you're out my way or in Norfolk & you find a pink wallet or a Garmin StreetPilot GPS with directions to King & Queen on it...... it's mine!
