Monday, November 3, 2008

If you only exercise once a year, Nov 4th exercise your RIGHT TO VOTE!

Well folks, the time is here. I hope you have educated yourselves FULLY & you know WHY you are choosing each candidate & HOW you & your family will BENEFIT from what they have to offer.

Remember, it's not just about lengthy experience & color of one's skin! (I "interviewed" people over & over & sadly, those were the main reasons they were choosing their candidate! Oh.... & because Obama could speak well... WHAT?!?! So can I but I'm not about the rule our country! Hmmmm..... on second thought!)

In closing thoughts I would like to elaborate a little on 2 points that continuously struck a nerve: faith & race. So to that I have to say this:

FAITH: For people of faith wether you are a Christian, Jew, Methodist,etc... if you believe in God & the bible, the way I view it is like this:
If you put (or try to put) God first in your day-to-day, put Him first in your marriage/relationships/job; You put faith in God that He will guide & protect you, then it should be no different in politics! Now I'm not saying that one candidate is a better Man of God/Fatih, that is for you to decide/guess. What I'm saying is, take God's word, the Bible, & vote as to who you feel most closely aligns themselves in His word! It's that simple.

Too many people that I have encountered that are "christian" or jewish, have said to me, "... oh no, this isnt about my faith..." or better yet,"... I'm not voting according to morals & values this time..." I say, "WHAT?!?! How can you then be doing, as the Bible says, "God's will"? (no matter who you are voting for?!) Why would you suddenly through your faith, values & beliefs out the window when it comes to electing the next guy to run our country for the next 4 years?! That makes no sense to me. Why would vote for a man that is not in alignment with your beliefs, then "pray like hell" when he takes over?! Can I get an amen?! lolol
ps: Don't get me wrong, I do know & understand that God is in control no matter who the president is.

RACE: Let me start off by clarifying (pre-fixing as Erin & Cami tell me, so as to not hurt anyone).... I love all people of all colors, backgrounds, beliefs, lifestyles, etc, if you know me, you know this is true! I heard a lot, while talking to people (& let me say, I work with a lot of realtors, so I see a lot of people day-to-day) & I frequently heard from blacks (& whites), they wanted a " man running the country...". Well, I can never understand what the black mans struggles were, nor will I pretend to. But I can totally understand, especially for the older black generation, why they would love to see a black man as president. I totally don't have a problem with it & yes I think our country is ready for it (I was often asked that). But I hate to see someone chosen simply by the color of his skin, especially when the people I was speaking to had no idea what Obama has done as a senator, nor do they know anything that he plans on bringing to the office. He is half-white, as far as they knew, who could've been a klan member...... but because he is black was all that mattered. Hence, that is why I was/am so for getting to know the candidate both as a president & as a man. Dr. King said,
".... judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character"

I hope you have enjoyed these inputs & tid-bits of information. Now stand up, stretch, inhale-exhale......

and go exercise your right to vote!

Peace & jelly-beans....

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