Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An emergency procedure....

John Sidney McCain III vs. Barack Hussein Obama II

Let's just say ....

your loved one ( a spouse, child,etc) needs some sort of urgent surgery. You go to the hospital & the front desk says, "Mr./Mrs. Jones, today there are 2 doctors on duty on you can choose one of them for your loved ones procedure today."

Instantly, you might ask, "well, what are there qualifications & have they done a surgery like this one before?"

She provides you with a sheet, or form of qualifications. And it goes something like this:

Dr. ABC's Record/Qualifications:

* has been a doctor in this field for 50 years

* he has been a practicing doctor in this specific "procedure" since 1981

* In the 80s, 90s & in 04, he won "accolades" as a doctor in this field

* he has recently chaired a committee here before

* his education includes serving in the military & college, attending over 20 schools throughout his lifetime!

Dr. XYZ's Record/Qualifications:

* has been a junior doctor in this field from 1997-2004

* prior to that he worked in the community an organizer & as an attorney

* he taught law from 2002-2004

* he did not win his "doctor title" in 2000, but he did in 2004, which is when his "doctor" experience began
* he did attend law school & was the president of the paper

* from 1992-2002 he served on several community outreach programs

* only has experience in this specific field since 1997; 97-2004 was junior experience, 2004- present in the most recent experience, again as a junior doctor

So now I ask you fellow voters, who do you put your countrys' future, your children's & grandchildrens future in the hands of? I'm not steering you towards a specific candidate because what may be important to you in the experience field may not be what is to me. And by the way, I got this information straight from each candidate's sights & personal web-pages.


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