Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama/McCain on..... Sex Education

SEX EDUCATION: I'm not knocking him here, just giving you his facts. Also, he reviews this on his site; you be the judge.... afterall it could be your kindergartener getting "age appropriate" sex-ed!

Although he would like abstinence to be the way, he doesn't turn his back on reality; reality that young children & teens are having sex & adults are having sex out of wed-lock (I agree on that). Therefore he feels we should begin introducing & teaching age-appropriate sex ed, maybe as ealry as kindergarten. (quick clip- 1 min- @ Planned Parenthood- who supports prochoice AND they are nation's leader in surgical abortions; quite the oxy-moron for a place called Planned Parenthood. They support Obama & he them, as he states in the full clip.) (full 23min Planned Parenthood mtng)

Obama is often quoted as saying that when it comes to sex education in public schools, “it’s the right thing to do ... to provide age-appropriate sex education, science-based sex education in schools,” placing an emphasis on the word "appropriate." But Obama has also said he does not support, "explicit sex education to children in kindergarten." Key word: "explicit", but does support age-appropriate educational materials. Also, for him, although he never defines "science-based sex ed", it is a reference he uses when referring to abortion & Planned Parenthood. See as well as

In conclusion, Obama defends his early childhood sex education by stating, ".... it is to protect the young from sexual predators..." While that is all well & good, we need to take a look where he stands on that issue as well. (I'll make a new posting on Tuesday night about that. It too, is interesting!) (5 min. Has a lot of info, is commical with music)

McCain: Pushes abstinence. Although I wish it were that easy..... (2 min)

There isn't much out there on his side of this.


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