Monday, October 27, 2008

McCain/Obama health plan....

The choice is yours. However, I wish that for McCain he would have explained it better. The other info to know about McCains is this: NOTE: if you are a small business owner, please look into both plans & see what fits your business better! Obama has a tax calculator on his site AND McCain (on the 2nd link below) has a tax diagram- it really helps to "see" it!

For McCain, for employers, if they are furnishing the health insurance, they will not be taxed. If they choose to let their employees find their own health care, then they will be taxed. It's not as bad as how it is portrayed. So yes, it will tax health benefits for the first time, but NOT everyone. And some of those people that will be taxed, will still be coming out ahead vs. supplying health benefits! You have too look into it to fully understand it!
and (Fact vs Fiction- good stuff)
"John McCain is not going to raise taxes on middle class families. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are the only ones in this race that plan to raise taxes. "

OBAMA FICTION: John McCain Will Tax Health Care Benefits For The First Time And Will Be the Largest Middle Class Tax Increase In History.
THE FACTS: This Obama charge is a blatant mischaracterization of the McCain Health Plan. It only focuses on the fact that the value of the employer provided insurance will now show up as additional income for the employees – what he fails to mention – is that John McCain’s generous refundable tax credit ($5,000 for families and $2,500 for individuals) will not only shield millions of families from a tax increase but will actually give them MORE dollars to invest in their health care needs.
The McCain Plan DOES NOT tax:
Premiums paid by families and individuals
Employers for providing health care coverage
Medical expenses like the cost of a procedure or medication
Insurance claims (you have to download his report- cant copy/paste)

Both have good cases to plead. Just as a saavy voter, you also have to look at how it ties into other parts of the economy!

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