Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama/McCain- Abortion-the quiet holocaust

ON ABORTION: (DO NOT skip the "additional info" below!)

First, let me say as a mom that endured a miscarriage (& close friends of mine as well), this topic carries a huge load to me. And at 9 weeks of pregnancy, it was evident there was a baby there & not a blob! Also, my husband & I debated Obama's stance on this recently, so it really fired me up to find out more about Obama & McCain on abortion. McCain believes in trying to over-turn Roe v Wade & leaving this matter to the states & (possibly) persecuting those that disobey this law he wants. BUT.... McCain is CLEAR that life begins at the moment of conception! CLEAR! (19 seconds) (23 minutes)
Here is Obamas full speech to Planned Parenthood on abortion. It very educational no matter who you vote for. Although, I must say, if you're pro-life, be prepared to hear words that will hurt and anger you & fire you up.

If you don't watch it in full, fast sorward to the 12:15 mark & listen for 3 minutes. Obama says, and I quote, "...we need to teach science & basic contraception...... we need to show young people to show reverance towards sexuality & intimacy to young girls & boys. But, even as we are teaching those lessons, we must never be willing to consign a young teenage girl to a lifetime of struggle because of a lack of access to birth control. Or a lifetime of illness because she doesn't understand how to protect herself. That's just common sense."

WHAT?! Lifetime of struggle? Let me tell you Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.... not only was my first pregnancy a miscarriage, it caused me to fear never having kids of our own & consider adoption. Fortunately, I was able to have kids & now my husband & I have 2 gorgeous boys. Why don't you ask my friends that have miscarried & my friends that are wanting & waiting to adopt how they would feel about that "...lifetime of struggle...". I'm sorry, no matter how much you instill in your child, abstinence, or easy access to sexual protection.... if she goes on to get pregnant abortion should NOT be her method of birth control just because she is young & is still in high school; or still in college; or mid 20's and single; or 35 & married to another man. The struggle is the people that are willing to give great, loving homes to these babies but cannot. The struggle is the life of that baby in the womb as it's life is cut-off.

To you Mr. Obama we need, NEED to make adoption provisions easier, NOT abortion (& McCain is for this). We need to be ok with assisting the children financially if need be, rather than it being ok to allow that teen, that young adult, that grown adult the ease of ending the life of her unborn child! I know she will endure her own battle internally should she go through with an abortion. I know it's a hard decision. But rather than live with that.... why not bare the 9 months of pregnancy & live happily ever after knowing you provided your child with life & a loving home and a loving family with a beautiful baby.

Here is Obama's "punished with a baby" clip: (10 sec)

In Rick Warrens (Purpose Driven Life) interview, he stated that since Roe vs. Wade, 40 MILLION abortions have happened in America (that is the low-end estimate). 40 million! Since 1973! Let's do the math:40 million since 1973. That's 1,142,857 per year, 95,238 per month, 3,175 per DAY! Out of those nearly 3,200 women everyday that make the decision to end the life of their fetus/child/baby, etc.... I would bet money that most of them are due to a birth-control related issue. Plus, that is a lot of people that could have been living in this country & developing our nation & economy & contributing to our society! (Abortion, Obama with Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life author 3 min) (Abortion, McCain with Rick Warren, 40 sec)

I think Barack is a decent man. The one thing I struggle with him about his faith is this: In the full interview above, within the first 15 miuntes, he explains that he is a christian & why. But right after that, when asked "at what point does human life begin...." , he says he does not know when human life begins; it is "above his paygrade". Ask me, I miscarried & I'm below you in your pay-grade. I know when life begins! Now, he is not pro-abortion, but pro-choice/ pro-death. Then he was asked if he had ever voted to reduce abortions & infanticide, & he did not give the simple yes/no answer.

POOF THE MAGIC BABY: WHAT?! How can you be a MAN of Christian faith, leader of your household (as God calls you to be) & NOT know when life begins?! Now you want to be leader of our country?! So I guess both times Michelle was pregnant with YOUR children, you didn't rub her belly, talk to the girls through Michelle's belly.... because afterall, you don't know when life begins! All those flutters & kicks Michelle experienced from about the 5th month on....... couldn't have been a "life" in there with a "soul", because as you stated, you don't know when life begins. I guess there was a blob in there that was growing & when the baby came out, "POOF", just like magic it turned into life! C'MON..... this hurts my heart! (if you felt different Mr. Obama, it is ok to be pro-choice & state that life begins at the moment of conception)

I know Barack is not pro-abortion, & there is a difference, but to proclaim his faith nationally & to use the words he did about teen pregnancy... gimmee a break. He is PRO-DEATH- contributor to the quiet holocaust.

When he, Obama, had to vote on it in his Jr. Senate term, late-term abortions & no assistants to live-born abortions (aka infanticide), he voted "present" rather than for or against. Now the last debate, he said it was because of wording due to a pre-existing law. However, he didn't vote against it because as he states on the video clip, it would have "....caused too much of a stir...." So how are we supposed to take that? 5min-newsclip about his vote on BornALive. (nurse Jill Stanek on Bill O'Reilly explaining Born Alive incidents- 4 min- Bill was speechless! No harmful images.)

Now yes, there is Planned Parenthood which Obama supports. HOWEVER, they are the nation's leader in surgical abortions & they don't promote adoption on their homepage- THEY SHOULD! In fact, go to their site, read about abortions, then copy/paste the styles into google & see what goes on. What part of "planned parenthood" is an unplanned pregnancy ending with an abortion rather than an adoption. Such an oxy-moron!

And as for McCain, he supports abortion when the pregnancy is physically life-threatening to the mother, that does NOT include depression, as it would under Obama . Also note: Under McCain that does NOT mean that if a baby is in uteren is showing signs of a disability like down syndrome, spinabifida, etc... that she will abort! Do I think his plan of preaching abstinence is the best? Well, I wish it were but that isn't reality. There needs to a better way & sytem. But legally allowing people to take the life of a baby is NOT it!

I'm done for now on this very moving subject. Although the economy & healthcare are important; if we take away human lives intentionally, then there is nothing remaining to worry about. The root of our society, our being is LIFE. Without it there is no healthcare, taxes,etc.

Supporting life; yours, mine & those that are unable to, Kristi (something better has to be done)

Additional Info:

*** (WARNING- images available to view. If you are AFRICAN AMERICAN or have friends/family that are.. they MUST MUST MUST see this site & read statistics! MUST!

Partial Birth Abortion explanation. A form supported by Obama: 4min- this form, I feel, should be banned unless the mother's life is at risk.

The 12th week: 5min (love their Truck!)

American Holocaust: 4min (please at least watch for cartoon at the 40sec time)

A must see cartoon illustration, #9-

Wise Words from a blogger: "Let’s review how well their abortion plan has worked thus far in America: Over 55 million babies have died since Roe v Wade. This is what they call “rare abortion.” Fifty five million babies who won’t grow up into people who won’t create jobs, or find cures, or make new inventions or contribute in any way to mankind, and this country! Fifty-five million human beings who started out as a fertilized human egg (I dare you to look at the truth!) not a corn plant, or an animal, and certainly not “a blob of tissue”, and 55 million human beings who will not be a blessing to millions of other people. The economic impact alone is devastating not too mention the negative spiritual impact that mass murder has on a nation!
By the way, Roe, of Roe v Wade aka Norma McCorvey, the one who wasn’t really pregnant when she was conned into filing the Roe v Wade case repented of her abortion beliefs, and is now a rabid pro-lifer! There is a God, and He does cause miracles to happen. "



  1. WO! Hold on, Kristi..I took from his message that although young men and women be taught how to properly conduct themselves sexually, I THINK what he was saying that if a young woman chooses to live another way, there should be options for birth control for her in an arena where she can feel safe to acquire w/ or w/o consent. I dont think he was advocating abortion as a method of birth control, I dont think any politician would be stupid enough to suggest that! As far as adoption, I have had 2 friends that adopted in the US and, guess what, mom changes her mind and the baby goes back. The adoption laws are absolutely ridiculous here. There are certain criteria most wannabe parents cant meet. I had one friend who couldnt adopt a second baby because she was diagnosed with and CURED of cancer, had reached the age of 40 AND, new to her, had been divorced many years ago..apparently the laws werent as strict when she adopted the first time. So, I ask you and others who tout "adoption" for pregnant, unwed these women wanting to give up their babies know that most people cant meet the standards many adoption agencies set forth?? Do young pregnant women know that most of us would be afraid to adopt her baby because she has the option to change her mind months down the road and break a mom and dads heart. If I were in the position to adopt, I would NEVER adopt domestically. It is a flawed sysytem in which prospective parents willing to give a child a home are held to standards that parents raising their own kids cant even meet. I am not pro abortion, HOWEVER, if a woman were to give birth to a child she doesnt want, cant afford..I see repetition of the same cycles of the societal ills that this young woman was possibly a part of.

  2. I agree & have friends going throgh the same adoption (domestic) process & more than once they have lost the adoption in the end.
    And, as I said, Obama is not pro-abortion; he agrees it is a tough issue, however, he repeatedly chooses the worst words to plead his case! He also repeatedly refers to being pregnant as " lesson..." which doesn't sound good to his case for those of us that are pro-life.
    THANK YOU for reading/writing!
    I miss you 2!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you forwarding me to your blog on this subject. A very touchy subject that I have similar views on. You really have done your research on this and are passionate. I have no children. I have many friends who have had abortions; my own mother was given up for adoption. I can say from my own experiences that the feelings are all the same: The woman who gave her child up for adoption and the woman who aborded her baby. The feelings of guilt, anger, hurt, shame, ie are the same for both woman. For me, morally, I agree with your thoughts because I believe in the same God that you believe in and am from the same culture. We come from similar economic backgrounds and similar support systems. The problem becomes complex because not all believe in the same God we believe in and do not come from the same economic standing. “I cannot afford to pay my rent, cannot go to the doctor, my boyfriend beats me, I can’t take care the children I have now, I am sucidal, I am addicted to drugs, I was molested by father and my brothers, I am loosing my mind because of stroke, I was raped, I have no one to trust, I can’t think, I have no support, I want to die,” are some of the things that woman may be going through or feeling when they learn they are pregnant. I cannot judge their choice only pray for them. That’s between them and God. I cannot say what is right and what is wrong. A sin is a sin.
    On policy, I hope you don’t mind that I go over your references and compare them to mine. A debate on abortion/policy is very complex and we all must dig deeper. I can agree that we should not make it easier for woman to get abortions but find out which policies and life choices make getting abortion the only option. Legislation should be prompted around these ideas. I think maybe when you resist a problem it could pursist. Women may continue to get abortions no matter what the law says, and will be more at risk by having abortions that may be done with coat hangers and inexperienced doctors. I can say that I did not interpret Obama the way that you did but it shows us how complex policy can be when you have so many view points to take into account. I do feel more comfortable with obama’s answers and feel that he is careful with his words in respect too those that do not believe in the same God, read the same bible, have the same lifestyle, and/or come from another thought system all togeather. I have a problem with having a president who see’s every issue as black/White. The policy on abortion is a very grey area when you live in the melting pot of America. I must dig more on the policy and come back to your blog some time soon. Again, thank you for your passion.

  5. I love you Melissa! Who would've thought 2 KQ gals could talk politics! HaHa! I agree with everything you said. I am not naive to the fact that abortion will never exist. I know not everyone believes in God. I do feel different when it is rape/molestation related. I don't think either candidate has the best "fix". Obama just thoroughly disappoints me, when repeatedly, he uses the words he uses. We all "know" he is a Christian, so he should know when life begins, no matter what that time may be, to him! Don't play safe because of what others may think. And to know when life begins, that is a personal desision, not faith based. You can be pro-choice & be a christian; that may not be what I think is correct, but it is possible. I am about to post above, a thought on abortion.... check it out.
    Miss you cuz....

  6. Kristi, that piece you wrote, just moved me in every way. I was in tears! I am PRO LIFE 100%. No matter what the odds are, there should NEVER be abortion as a aption. I know ppl that have had this done and I did everything that I could do to stop them and they still did it. It sickends me to think of it. My miscarrage I had back in November 03 still hurts me to this day. The ann. of it is coming up soon, as you know it happened on your birthday. Elvis and I planted a white dogwood tree in honor of our little one. I have baby angels all around the house rep. my child. I even tell Carlton, who I LOVE so much, that he has a little baby sister/brother in heaven that had to go back cause they were sick.
    When I was preg with Carlton, I told Elvis that at the time of delievery, if something happened and one of us had to die cause of something going wrong to please let me die so that our child could live. That's how much LOVE I have for my child. That his life means more to me than my own.
    Any women that has a abortion, will get their day. When they have to anwers to their maker. LIFE BEGINS @ CONCEPTIONS and any person that doesn't know that needs to go back to school or maybe talk to a OBGYN!!


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