Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rock Your Mind, THEN Rock The Vote......

John Sidney McCain III vs. Barack Hussein Obama II

Ok, so before I proceed, let me first tell you that I am a Republicrateral. That's right, Republi-crat-eral. I see values and points that support me as an American voter, from all 3 sides. But to make my decision on who the next president should be, I look at the "things/factors/topics" that are most important to me, who supports them & how it will it not only affect the next 4 years, but also the lives of my children & their future. However, what works for me may not work for you & I respect that. So please go through my blog open-minded & end up with a desire to know each candidate more in your own way, which is what has happened to me. This is not intended to begin a debate with me or one another; rather to educate you or to fire you up enough to want to get to know the candidate's better on your own & in your own way. After all, we are going to the polls soon!

Educate yourself on what each candidate is offering. Go through their web-site, click on their issues & READ! I have learned some in that way, but felt that although that was the horses mouth, it was still somewhat vague on some issues. Also, when someone sends you a clip from any source, like youtube or a real backed web-site, look at it and decide for yourself the credibility, even the ones I will be sharing with you. These emails that are letters from someones friend of a son who was in war, or in Wall Street...... be very leary UNLESS you know that person yourself. I got an email about a letter a soldier sent saying,"..... Obama didn't shake his hand when he came to visit them in Iraq...." , stuff like that, be aware of!

Google.com & Wikipedia.org are great places to research topics, words (like earmark, pork barrel) google people.... get your own political "degree" from GU (Google University)! YouTube topics, people, news shows, political parties, Obama, McCain, etc, etc... you can tell which sites have validity & what doesn't. Obviously, you can tell that different video clips are in place to promote one candidate over the other.

As all elections are very important.... this one is no different. But to me, now older, a parent, a full time employee. I have a father & brother that work for Northrup Grumann (military, government & union related) a self-employed mother, self-employed/small business owning father, husband that is a civilian employee, good friends that are small business owners, good friends that cannot afford homes or health insurance, etc, etc...... this election is extremely important to me! My friends & family will be equally affected no matter who is elected. So I am here to jump start you on your own political voyage! You'll be glad & proud you did- I am.

Below I have provided a variety of links to a variety of political "ads". If you're new to YouTube, you will see related videos along side of what is playing. Click away! Educate yourself. The internet is powerful, so discern carefully.

* What is this Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac thing? I don't understand? Ok, so this is what got me started. I thought the Republicans were to blame for the bad (housing) economy, then I looked into it & realized it all began in the Nixon times (which was somewhat do-able) but then rewritten in the Clinton era with the Community Reinvestment Act (google/wikipedia it). Saying that everyone should own a home, even if they couldn't afford the home; the democrats & liberals then, did not take heed in the years to come when the Rebublicans were making warnings & asking for regualtions on "handing out houses & mortgages like hot-cakes..." See this video link, then educate yourself more then decide...... Also, find out where Obama & McCain stood on this issue & who they are tied to behind the scenes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap1DPBg4jzY (10 minutes long- DO watch)



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs&feature=related (8 minutes- DO WATCH) (Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac/Franklin Raines... will make you roll your eyes! The payouts ppl got! Again, ask yourself each candidates tie in- either way it's not good)

ps: For those of you that are saying, "....how does Kristi have time to do all this...." Truth is, I don't! But I've been putting together emails,letters, notes, sites, etc for WEEKS & now it's a matter of copy/paste. Plus, now that I have educated myself, I am very passionate about this election. And I'll be honest with you, I had no idea where I was going with my vote, until now and my investigating.
Stay tuned, as I have a lot to share & will be posting throughout the day, days & weeks to come.


  1. You and I are on the same page. I still haven't really decided who I'm going to vote for. I personally don't like neither canidate and wish we had another choice. Either way,I still will vote. I will leave this in Gods hands and hope I make the right decision.
    Wendy C. Bristow

  2. Hey Kristi,
    Mama pointed me to your blog...Said your siked about politics just like me! Lol.

    I enjoy reading politico.com (moderate/liberal) and huffingtonpost.com (very liberal)

    I also enjoy CNN which is moderate/independent. I hope these sites are usefull to you. They are credible sites but sometimes lean left (like msnbc). Lester might like these sites. I hope you doing well and I will continue to read your blog.

    Melissa South


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