Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Taxes.... to pay or not to pay......

(title: is just a bad attempt to be funny!)

Ok, so Barack Obama wants to raise your taxes & McCain wants to reduce the taxes on the upper-class.

Here points you should closely examine & consider as an individual, employee, business owner:

First lets take a look at Barack Obama:

* he wants to raise taxes

* when Clinton was campaigning back in the day, he said he would do this, but once he got into the office, he didn't because of the overall deficit... remember?Do we have a deficit now-you think?

* Obama has a lot of massive programs that need he needs funded & he wants to really increase the taxes overall, especially on the upper class. Well the upper class in America only represent about 10%, but I'll give the democrats 20% just to be nice. So where will that remaining 80% come from- we the people.

* history has shown & proven to us time after time, that when you raise the taxes in a bad economy, you crush the economy- you drive more businesses to other countries or out of business! Joe the Plumber will not be able to start his own business because he can't afford the taxes.

* his vision is that it is patriotic to pay taxes to put money into the economy, but this may not be the best way! Are you prepared for this? Your spouses job? The business you own?

* "spread the wealth"- Obama voted in favor of the Democratic Budget Resolution which imposes taxes on individuals making 42k per year. He also wants to increase the capital gains tax.


* Fred Smith- CEO of FedEx, Meg WHitman- CEO of eBay, Jim Chambers- CEO of Sisco. Their business taxes here are 35%! But, in Ireland, where they can find good workers & facilities, the tax there is only 11%! No wonder people go abroad!

Now, there's John Sydney McCain:

* he wants to reduce taxes to the upper class, the eBay/FedEx/Sisco type folks

* why- so they will bring their business back home

* which..... results in generating more jobs for American people

* which will result in more new businesses

* his vision: to make it easier for "Joe the Plumber" to (a) start his own business & (b) for the Joe's & eBay owners to hire more people & to keep their businesses in our country!

NOTE: chances are, no matter who takes the seat as president, my prediction is that the economy will appear to get better, then we may see a true crash. Already gas has tremendously dropped, but who know how long it will stay low.

Also, I can tell you that I have spoken to friends & colleagues (I work with realtors) & out of the ten or so that I spoke to..... I asked them when they applied each candidates tax plan, which one better helped them out, all but 1 said that McCain's plan was the best for their business. Folks, this included democratic people as well. And the 1 hadn't really looked into the plans in depth.

I encourage you to evaluate each man's tax plan & actually apply it to your situation!

Keep in mind, that Obama is for spreading the wealth. He said on a public radio station about the Supreme Courts role in furthering civil rights ".... The Supreme Courts never ventured into the issues of redistribution of the wealth."

Again, who suits your needs better.......

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