Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kristi'Z Korner- Loves, Laughs & Life Lessons!

Ok, here we go with a few more tips from Kristi'Z Korner! To those of you who have never received this email, here is the scoop. I am frequently learning about neat tips for your personal life, business life, cool music groups, web-sites, etc & I love sharing them with my friends. So I thought, why not share them with everyone! So that is what lead me to Kristi'Z Korner. It has been a while since I've done one & I have a ton of stuff to share, so check back on here several times a month to get all the latest!

Now, I'm kinda new to this blog thing, so feel free to comment & pass it on. I also encourage you to share your thoughts & feedback on things I have posted on here. If it is something I learned from one of you, I'll put your initials at the end of it, or give you"props" somewhere in that section. (yes, I said "props"!) In this first blog edition, I'll put new things on here, as well as re-cap a few old ones I put on here that some of you aksed me about or commented on. Here we go.....

SOMETHING TO SNEEZE AT: Have you ever had the urge to sneeze at the most inoppurtune time? When you get the urge, think of clouds in the sky! This will instantly turn off the urge to sneeze! (it works for me)

OR..... do you have that urge to sneeze & want to get it out? Look up at the light. Looking at the light encourages your eyes to water which then gets that sneeze out.

Heartburn: Eat a banana! It soothes throat tissues.

Batter up- got mood swings? And men too: Try chasteberry. Found in herbs. It balances hormones.

Sweaty palms? Hot flashes? Try flaxseed. It contains compunds that help you cooldown.

Brainiac: Try the herb Bacopa Monnieri. Ancient Indians trusted this herb to improve alertness & functioning. Studies show it speeds up learning & even lowers depression.

O-O Oregano: Oregano is one of the most nutrtious substances on earth! It has 42 times more antioxidants than apples, 30 more than potatoes! And it is loaded with anitmicrobial compounds that fight cold-causing bacteria. Just sprinkle some in your hands, rub together (to break it up & really activate it) & put it on your food!

R U Travelin'?: Go to for a list of attractions form state to state.

Got gas? Want to know the best prices on gas in your area? Go to It is also a good way to reach out & stay in touch with business affiliates, like, are you a realtor? Share this wit your clientel. Are you targeting someone, send them this site.

GO GREEN, you know you wanna! I belong to a women's networking group & we recently had a lady come in that owns a "green" store. She went over recycling tips, things you can do, products that are out there and WOW.... I was moved & amazed. So here are a few things you can do to impact your family, home & earth.

Empty Water Bottles: Go bowling- save 10, fill them with water or sand & bowl.

Used paper/toilet rolls: Store pantyhose in them, decroate them & make planters, donate them to schoold dy care for arts/crafts.

Yogurt Containers: Some "green" stores take them & give them to nurseries & they use them to re-plant plants!

Do yourself & fmily a favor.... visit your local recycling facility! Find out what is & isn't recyclable! Boxes that have been used in the fridge or freezer-NOT recyclable.

Drink lids & caps.... not recyclable (in most facilities). Those credit card ads that you get with your info on them, SHRED them trash! Or, for fun, you know the pre-paid envelope they furnish? Rather than waste that postage, take another mailing you got (or write a love letter, anonimously) & stuff it in there & mail it! I'm sure it breaks the monotony of the mailroom guy opening the mail.

Empty coffee, formula or nice sized containers.... again, donate them to daycares! My sons school loves that stuff. They store things in there or use them with crafts.

Now onto music. The last few people I introduced you to was. & (LOVE her!)

My latest interest is Look to the left above the word Wireless & click through the songs. You'll know them although the genre is different. And I have to remind you about the great music site & resource!

isee what you need: Need a good picture for a marketing piece? Try It's great for business related ideas as well.

Christmas is almost here: Wanna warm your heart this holiday season? Call a local church or housing shelter (now) & ask if there is a family you can help out throughout this season. I know that our church gets calls from a lot families in the area that need food & gifts for their kids. Nothing is as fulfilling as knowing you fed a family for Thanksgiving or put gifts under a tree for little ones.

Til next time......

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristi! I just want to add a little to your Christmas blog. We are members of the Salvation Army and every Salvation Army world wide, does an Angel tree at Christmas time. People in the local community have signed their children up (the angels) and put a few items that they want/need for Chritmas. People can go adopt an angel and give a child gifts for Christmas. The Salvation Army cannot do anything without the help of the community.

    Great blog!


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