Tuesday, October 28, 2008

AbOrtION follow up!

So a lot of you have emailed me or commented on the abortion topic. Great! I love it!
Here is what I think, in addition to my first abortion posting.

Let me start by saying I am pro-life & I beleive in preserving that baby in the mother's womb until he/she is born! However.....

I am not naive to think abortion will never go away. But, I feel that, if the laws stay the way they are, & held by federal court (or not) we should make the following mandatory:

(A) women considering abortion should be required to see abortion videos of all abortion styles & get counsel from women who have been through abortions, dr's, nurses,etc.
(B) we need to clarify why an abortion? Is it in the form of birth control? Rape/incest? Health related?
(C) they should be shown videos of families wanting to adopt & their issues & success stories.
(D) be counseled by women who decided to go through with & those that chose not to go through with the abortion & have either kept their child &/or adopted out. Then they should have to wait 3-5 days before proceeding!
(E) we need to offer "maternity" facilities for women to go to when they have nowhere to turn or need a refuge
(F) we need to make private, mandatory post-abortion counseling to the woman @ no cost to her
(G) and, all the above should be done with the father of the baby present as well!
Obvioulsy above all, the point is to get her to NOT go through with the abortion.

My intent was to wake us up to this "holocaust" event. Not to piss anyone off. Get in the know, get involved. FIND OUT where your candidate stands on this matter! I hope I wont lose friends over this. We just can't keep turning a blind eye to this problem & issue, but yet we have no problem blaming presidents for losing lives in wars.

And just so you know in my previous abortion blog.... I have friend's & acquaintances that volunteered information about their personal abortion experiences! ALL told me that they were never shown videos, never given details about the adoption process & never had any counseling. All these women also shared with me that, although it is hindsight, they regret their decision. They wished they had better counseling & assitance.

Never have I knocked womens equality. I'm all for it! But that, for me, extends to the equality of those babies that never had a chance. I'm knocking the women either; there just has to be a better way, with better options.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with all you statements below and if I were president would bring all of these questions/thoughts to the table! Great Job!
    "(A) women considering abortion should be required to see abortion videos of all abortion styles & get counsel from women who have been through abortions, dr's, nurses,etc.
    (B) we need to clarify why an abortion? Is it in the form of birth control? Rape/incest? Health related?
    (C) they should be shown videos of families wanting to adopt & their issues & success stories.
    (D) be counseled by women who decided to go through with & those that chose not to go through with the abortion & have either kept their child &/or adopted out. Then they should have to wait 3-5 days before proceeding!
    (E) we need to offer "maternity" facilities for women to go to when they have nowhere to turn or need a refuge
    (F) we need to make private, mandatory post-abortion counseling to the woman @ no cost to her
    (G) and, all the above should be done with the father of the baby present as well!"


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